The link between blood sugar levels, thyroid hormone levels, and your energy

Fatigue is a symptom that can have many underlying causes. While too little thyroid hormones (T4, T3 or both) could be cause, what if your thyroid hormones levels are “normal”?  What then?

Hello cortisol.

You may know cortisol as your stress-coping hormone.  Did you know that your cells contain mitochondria, which is like the cell’s energy generator.  For this energy generator to work like it should, it needs the right stuff, in the right quantities.  

  • The first ingredient is thyroid hormones, specifically T3.  
  • The second ingredient is glucose.  

Without BOTH glucose and T3, your energy levels will not be where it is supposed to be.  

So how do glucose get into the cells for the mitochondria to use?  This is where cortisol comes into play.  

  • First, cortisol helps to keep the glucose levels in the blood at a good level.   So the higher the cortisol levels, the more glucose comes out of storage into the blood stream.  Thus, it raises your blood sugar levels. 
  • Second, cortisol also stimulates the mitochondria to work!

So we need good levels of cortisol in our blood.  When we don’t have enough cortisol, it can cause problems, like low blood sugar and severe fatigue.  

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